Temperature Affects Shrimp Survival, Feed Conversion

Laboratory Tests
Laboratory trials at Kasetsart University in Thailand compared how two experimental temperatures affected Pacific white shrimp. Animals averaging 12 g each were stocked into aquariums with a salinity of 25 ppt at 10 animals/aquarium. During the first part of the trial, feed was given at 3% of shrimp body weight in three doses of 1%/day at 29 C, while at 33 C, feed was given ad libitum for two hours.
Three replicates were made for each temperature and feed dose. Then, in the second part of the lab experiment, feed consumption was compared for three experimental groups:
Group 1 Temperature 29 1 C and feeding at 3% body weight
Group 2 Temperature 33 1 C and feeding at 3% body weight
Group 3 Temperature 33 1 C and feeding at 36.5% more than 3% body weight......
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